The 7 Types of REST

Did you know that there are actually 7 types of rest?

I think one thing most, if not all, humans have in common is the need for some good quality rest. Any chance that I have to unwind and relax in a cozy, decluttered environment, I take it. Unfortunately, that is more of a privilege these days and not something everyone has the luxury of having. Especially with the fast paced life that a lot of us live.

I read a book called “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity” by internal medicine physician Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD. She talks about how “rest” and “sleep” are not mutually exclusive and that rest can be categorized into 7 categories.

The 7 types of Rest:

1.) Physical: Resting to relieve the body of physical stress, such as muscle tension, headaches, and a lack of sleep.
2.) Mental: Resting to silence your anxious mind and refocus to the things that are important
3.) Spiritual: Resting to tune into your spiritual beliefs and higher power.
4.) Emotional: Resting so you’ll be able to express genuine feelings and nix people-pleaser tendencies.
5.) Social: Resting so you can recognize which relationships are replenishing, and limit exposure to energy vampires and toxic people.
6.) Sensory: Resting to diminish sensory input received from devices, aromas, and background noise.
7.) Creative: Resting to allow for beauty to inspire and motivate.

I know just by reading these, you can probably guess what type of rest you are in need of. Or, if you’re like me, you may need all types of rest right about now. But if you are interested in learning what type of rest you are in need of the most, there is a free quiz available. Not only will it tell you which rest you need the most, but it will tell you how you rank in all types of rest. My test indicated that I need the most rest when it comes to Mental and Social. Managing my anxiety and creating healthy boundaries have been a big time struggle of mine. I definitely agree with my results. Ooof.

Answer the questions in the quiz honestly for the most accurate results. Do not feel the need to share your results with anyone. This quiz is just another way to help you understand yourself a little deeper.

So the next time you find a minute to curl up in bed sigh Feel free to take the quiz here! Because not knowing where you’re struggling at the moment is, honestly, thoroughly exhausting.

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Hi, I'm Missy Christine!

I'm a Chicago suburban author, educator and certified nutritionist. Lover of all things wellness, beauty, entertaining and relatable. I believe in the importance of educating yourself, finding beauty in the chaos and continuing to put in the work towards being your best self. My hope for this site is that you leave feeling inspired and empowered, with plenty of tips, tricks and knowledge in your back pocket.

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